Participation au Concours Académique de Débat Citoyen en Anglais

Nos 5 élèves de 3ème se sont distingués pour leur capacité à argumenter en anglais

« the government is responsible for the protection of our planet » « It is the role of school to teach responsibility » also « Everyone must be held responsible for their acts »

For the fifth consecutive year, Louis Pegaud school took part in the English debating competition, instigated and organized by The Rectorat and The Department. This event was also relayed and managed by Mme Olivia Tranchant, who is the Coordinator English teacher for the two sessions.
Throughout the last few months our debating team of 5 pupils from 3ème whose names are Brenot Justine, Butant Maxence, Garnier Benjamin, Laloux Matéo et Panontin Maxime have shown considerable determination and thoroughness in their training.
The general topic this year, as you may have guessed was RESPONSIBILITY and a number of arguable statements had to be discussed in the best way of intelligibility, accuracy of arguments and respect for the counterparts.
In line with 8 other collèges in Calvados running in the competition, our Dozulé team achieved the brilliant performance of coming out second in the quarter finals which were held at collège Guillaume de Normandie in Caen on 26th of April last. This meant that they then had the great opportunity to go on to The Château de Bénouville for the final, where victory only very narrowly escaped them.
A speech of reward to all was given by Madame Bésuelle, inspectress for English. All participants in the final were presented with prizes and finally a beautiful buffet was laid out to round off the event. A truly memorable and stimulating occasion !

All our congratulations go to those 5 deserving pupils and we wish them lots of success in similar challenges in English in the future !


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